57 page e-book with everything you need to know about freebies - and all the templates you need to make your own!

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Ready scale quickly?
The Lead Magnet Magic E-book will help you learn everything you need to know to grow with freebies. The chapters include:
1) Defining your target audience
2) What to make
3) How to use templates
4) Where to promote
5) Optimizing with A/B-testing
6) CTA Button
7) Tripwire offers

In addition, you'll get a 80-page Canva template to create all kinds of e-books, workbooks and checklists. And it's actually PLR, so you can even sell the template itself or use some of its pages as a lead magnet!

And yes, there is a 7-day money-back guarantee. I feel so confident that this will be valuable for you, so if you look through the material and don't feel it is for you, just let me know and I will refund you.

  • Total payment
  • 1xLead Magnet Booster Pack$59

All prices in USD
